HOLLYWOOD 1937 --  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the world’s most prestigious and powerful movie studio, tricks 120 underage chorus girls into attending a stag party for its visiting salesmen. When dancer Patricia Douglas tries to flee, she is brutally raped; defying the studio’s order for silence, Douglas files a landmark lawsuit while M-G-M launches the biggest cover-up in Hollywood history.

Six decades later, author-screenwriter David Stenn stumbles upon the story. His search for the truth leads to Patricia Douglas herself, nearly ninety and still in hiding. Will she go public once again, or will Hollywood’s best-suppressed scandal die with her?

Responsive Quote Boxes
(Fox News)
(New York Post)
(Los Angeles Times)

"Girl 27 is a documentary about what MGM did to cover up a rape. I believe this film should be required viewing for anyone in the film industry" (Jessica Chastain)

"Patricia Douglas, I am so sorry and thank you" (Rose McGowan)